Silver smith // @maddiedallimore
Photographer // @bonfireheart.co

What inspired this collection?
I originally was going to do a ballet themed collection because I thought it would be fun to combine two of my favorite creative outlets, dancing and silversmithing. This plan unfortunately went down the toilet when I recently tore my ACL. So when I started coming up with a plan B, I decided to just run full force with being as creative as I could with the stones I picked. I chose a variety of fun, colorful stones that had unique shapes. When I teach workshops, I am helping the people I’m working with bring their creative vision to life. So when I get to work on my own pieces, it is fun to make my own decisions and have full creative freedom. That excites me and is what inspired this vibrant, funky collection. I hope it makes you as happy and excited for summer as it does for me!
What would you say is your favorite piece from the collection?
This is such a hard question!!! The purple stone with the quadruple split band on one side is probably my favorite. The stone caught my eye and as soon as I picked it up, I had a vision for exactly what I wanted to do with it. A close second has to be the laramar with the double band, one thick and one thin. But they really were all so fun to make and I love them all!

Name your top two all time favorite albums, and explain why they are your faves.
To be completely honest I’m not the best “album” girl. I would say I listen to more individual songs from various artists. However, LANY will always have a special place in my heart. Any of the OG albums from LANY make me so happy. I will never forget the 2017 concert at the Great Saltair when my friend Hailee and I were front and center for the entire concert. Paul crowd surfed on us while singing Made in Hollywood. Hearing Hailee scream “HIS BUTTS ON MY FACE” was an iconic moment I will never forget. It was worth every second of being shoved around and fighting to keep our front row spot.
Coloring book by Chance the Rapper is an all time favorite of mine as well. There are so many good “scream in the car with your friends” type of songs on that album. It’s solid gold.
There are too many other albums I love, so I’ll just list some of my favorite artists and you can check out their albums for yourself!! Surfaces, Rence, Bruno Major, Alexander 23, Oh Wonder, Ritt Momney, Bon Iver, and Shoffy just to name a few. You can check out my Spotify by searching Maddie Dallimore if you want as well. That probably sums things up a little better ;)
If you could drop everything and travel today, where would you go?

I would go to New York in a HEARTBEAT. There is something so magical about walking up and down the crowded streets of Manhattan. Each stranger that you pass by has their own little busy world that they’re running around in. As a dancer, I have a lot of respect for all of the people that have fully dedicated their lives to the arts, and in New York you can find those people everywhere. It inspires me to be surrounded by so many talented, hardworking people that love to create and connect in the same ways that I do. I’ve always dreamt of living there and wouldn’t be surprised if I ended up there one day, even if it’s just for a year or two.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
For sure my parents! I know them as Mom and Dad, but most people know them as Bryce and Kim Dallimore and they are true angels. They are the most genuine people I know. They are friends with anyone and everyone and I have so much respect for them because of that. They also are SO FUNNY. They work so hard and are very driven. They inspire me to live a life full of being 100% myself and befriending everyone while laughing and working hard in the meantime. I love them so much!!!
What is your favorite stone?

Buffalo Turquoise is my favorite. It is so so pretty. Each stone is so unique and simultaneously goes well with everything.
Who is your biggest style icon?
I don’t have one person in particular. There is a quote from the book Steal Like an Artist that says, “If you steal from one author, it’s plagiarism; if you steal from many, it’s research.” So you could say I do my style research ;) I just keep my eye out for looks that I like from friends, strangers walking down the street, pinterest, instagram, etc. And from that, I’ve gathered my own sense of style and what I like.
What is your favorite binge-worthy show on Netflix?
Okay, I am the worst with Netflix. I haven’t made it all the way through a single show yet. If we're being completely honest, it’s mostly because I fall asleep. My friends always call me out for being the first to fall asleep in any movie regardless of the time or place. That being said, I have watched a couple seasons of The Office. I have yet to finish it BUT I have enjoyed every episode that I have stayed awake long enough to make it through! (it helps that they’re short episodes hahah)