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Maude Streetwear Collaboration

Brand Collab : @maude.streetwear

Photographer :

With winter looming and the cold weather setting in we couldn't think of a better time to shoot some cozy, winter looks with Maude Streetwear. Their "Cool Girl" aesthetic and clothing for girls who are unapologetically themselves inspired us to make a collection that matches perfectly with their vibe. Pink Opal and Larimar add the perfect pop of color to any cool girl outfit, along with some Rainbow Moonstone to bring the finishing touches.

Where did maude get its start?

Maude was started during the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and was born out of too much free time and a stimulus check. I've always had a mindset that I can be successful in whatever I do as long as I put everything I have into it. I wanted to test that theory so I started Maude Streetwear on a whim.

Tell me about the inspiration behind the brand.

Like every college student, I've gone though a dozen different majors and marketing design was one of the many. For one of my classes I had to create a fake brand thats when Maude happened. I wanted to create a brand that was very relatable and familiar but also unique.

What were some troubles you faced when building the brand?

The hardest part is my lack of experience. I don't know a lot about social media marketing and I'm new to business. A lot of my favorite businesses were started without this knowledge and the created learned along the way. So thats what I'm doing and I've learned a lot, but its also been difficult.

What has been your biggest success?

My biggest success was the second collection I dropped. It did really well and I think that correlates directly to how much work I put into it. I also was most passionate and excited about that collection. It taught me that if I only create things that I can get behind then m customers will feel that and appreciate it.

Where do you see the brand going in the future?

Currently I'm just working on finding more customers and reaching more people, but in the future I'd love to open and design a storefront to sell in!

What inspires you to keep creating?

When I work on my business it doesn't feel like I'm working and I think that's everyones goal. I feel lucky that I've found my passion so young and I really hope that I can continue to do this. I keep creating because its what I love to do and the harder the work, I feel like the more attainable my goals are. Future Madi inspires me.

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