With so many zodiacs it can be so hard to keep track of them all. But don’t worry gem fam, we are back at it with another monthly zodiac post and this time we are dishing all things Taurus! So keep scrolling to learn more about this amaze Earth sign and for some beautiful Taurus inspired pieces!
Rose Quartz: A Taurus Gem
Of course, one of our favorite things about the Taurus zodiac is its stones. Rose Quartz is one of these stones, and we are so excited that it is because it is one of our favorites! Rose Quartz is a dreamy light pink that is almost transparent in the sunlight. This is fitting, as one of the main Taurus colors is pink. Deemed as the ‘heart stone’, Rose Quartz will have you falling in love with nature, art, and your creative side. One thing’s for sure, we have fallen in love with the creative pieces that our silversmiths have crafted for our Rose Quartz collection. We’ve got some major heart eyes for this gem.
Taurus History and Traits
Taurus is symbolized by the the bull, which represents the Greek god Zeus during the time period that he changed himself into a bull to earn attention from Phoenician princess Europa. This change was a success, and Europa climbed onto the bull’s back before they ran for the island of Crete. Don’t we all wish we had someone that was willing to carry us all of the way to a fancy island?
A Taurus is well known as a patient, responsible and well-grounded individual. You won’t find a Taurus breaking too many rules in their lifetime. Building upon their patient personality, it is common that a Taurus will have a strong drive to finish projects that they start. Whether it be at their job, charitable efforts, or even within their family and friend groups, you can count on a Taurus to get the job done.
Taurus individuals also love to surround themselves with beauty and love, making them one of the most kindhearted individuals you will ever meet. We would even be willing to take a gamble and say that Taurus individuals would make the best partners in life. Not only are they good partners, Taurus individuals are described as loyal friends. So, lock up your friend group because you will want Taurus friends in your life forever.
Know a Taurus you want to show appreciation for, or just want to treat yourself? Shop our inspired by Taurus Rose Quartz pieces below!